Select one of the options below for a one-hour Spiritual Mentoring Coaching session with Keith Anderson. Each option is limited to three people.
January 9
Everyone needs someone to walk around in their soul.
Randy Reese
Founder of VantagePoint3
I have a vision of a generation of believers who understand that the goal of life is Jesus and all the ways he wants to offer himself both to us and through us to the world.
Emily P. Freeman
The language of telling people what to think and what to do dominates most leadership paradigms in the church, with very little, if any, mentoring attention given to the actual details of being a Christian in the home and workplace. There are, however, serious efforts being made up and down the line … to recover a leadership of companionship and a spirituality of relationship.
Eugene Peterson
Foreword to Deep Mentoring by Reese and Loane