My favorite Bible character is Mary, the mother of Jesus. Though she has many admirable qualities, the one I find myself drawn to the most is the way this ordinary, Jewish young woman responded to the angel Gabriel’s news that she was going to be the mother of the Messiah. 

She was initially confused and disturbed and asked some good questions about how this was all going to work out for her, which I appreciate. However, without knowing all the answers, she said, “Here I am, the servant of the Lord; let it be with me according to your word.” 

It’s worth noting that within just a few days of receiving the news from the angel Gabriel, Mary left to go find her relative and friend, Elizabeth, who was also pregnant. She did not work out her situation alone. She found support and seemed to gain strength for her call. Rather quickly, Scripture reveals (Luke 1:46–55) that she began to earnestly praise God for what he was doing in and through her. 

Herein lies a tension

Herein lies a tension that challenges me, and I think all Christian leaders: managing the call or receiving the call. Managing makes us feel important and in control. Receiving looks too passive. In our culture, we are rewarded for quick action, certainty, and results. Receiving has much less of all that and much more listening. It’s certainly prudent to have a path, plan, and goals, but managing and receiving are different. And they ought not to be confused. 

We cannot manage, maneuver, or manipulate a response like Mary had to Gabriel. It is a matter of a heart being prepared to hear, listen, and receive what is being freely given. It requires a gradual self-emptying and relinquishing to make room for something new. There must be some displacement and disruption before there is space and receptivity in our hearts. 

Mary understood the gift of receiving

Mary knew how to receive gifts given from the Lord. Mary had humble trust and surrender. Mary does not manage, fix, control, or “perform” in any way. She just says, “Yes,” and begins to adjust, making room for the abundance of new life. 

I encourage you to ponder Mary’s posture and allow the Spirit to shape such receptivity in your heart—Let it be with me according to your word. May we all continue to prepare our hearts in such a way that we can receive what God is giving us and discern how He is leading us. May we continue to do the work we have been asked to do with the same surrender, praise, and heart-space Mary seemed to have. 

While Mary’s experience was certainly unique, we all desperately need the Holy Spirit to come upon us and overshadow us afresh. We can’t manage a new spiritual life or make room for one on our own. We need the Spirit to help us make room for new life to grow in our individual lives, our families, our church communities, and in the world. We need God’s power to work inside us so Christ can be born within us to do the work He has called us to do this Advent and into the new year.

As we spend time reflecting and conversing and praying today, may we have hearts surrendered to receive afresh the good company and call of the Lord. 


—adapted segment from VP3’s Pathway, Walking with Others: A Lifelong Perspective, pages 103-104

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